We are going well, and this new recipe is delicious

My dear friends,
I would like to apologize for my delay with my updating.
It’s been a complicate time, and we are still trying to figure out how we can go ahead after the heavy lockdown we had, which has stressed all the economy, especially the tourism field.
I can imagine that everyone of us si struggling, so, let’s stay together in this common battle.
In a few hours we should know if from the 3rd of June we will be allowed to move among all the regions in Italy. It seems that it’s going well, but we never know till the Prime Minister says something specific.
I’m confident that we are on the good road, especially if everyone keeps following the basic rules (social distancing, mask, frequent hand washing)
It’s time to start again and be positive. We know that the zero risq doesn’t exist, but we also know that the zero risq doesn’t exist with nothing, even if we go for a walk 50 meters from our house.
Waiting for to be free to ride totally free, I’m cycling quite a lot up the mountains above the lake, and, trust me, I’m still discovering some hidden corners that are simply stunning. This place is really something special.
In case someone is thinking about Lake Como Motorbike, as usual I’m sending my special voucher, which you can use in three years with a real discount of the 50% of the ticket.
(copy and past in your browser)
And now, a new simple and very personal recipe.
Pasta e fagioli for four people
400 gr of dried borlotti beans
80 gr of egg maltagliati
1 tablespoon of tomato pulp
fresh parsley
red Tropea onion
extra virgin olive oil
75 gr bacon
Soak the dried beans the night before the execution.
Drain the beans, cook them for about 2 hours in plenty of water, withdraw half of them and squish them until they are creamy, possibly adjusting the consistency with a little cooking water.
Chop carrots, celery, parsley and onion and fry them briefly in a saucepan with 2 tablespoons of oil and bacon.
Add the bean shake and about a liter and a half of water, the tomato pulp and salt.
After 30 minutes of cooking add the whole beans and then the maltagliati which must cook for about 10 minutes. The consistency of the compound must be quite dense. Withdraw, adjust salt and freshly ground pepper. Serve the pasta and beans in single-serving bowls with a drizzle of oil and serve hot or warm or cold: it is good in any case.
I hope you can enjoy this simple recipe and that all of you keep staying safe and strong.